High risk activities: Walking the dog and Ex-father-in-law

I was recently telling an acquaintance today about how I have decided to engage in more high risk activities as I don’t see my life ending at the age of 90+ in a seniors home. Seems like a jail.
I’m about to start at long list of adventures to name a few are parasailing, driving a scooter in India, going to Montreal …
So I figured there’s no time like the present to start. Today’s adventure … taking my dog and ex-father in law for a walk. Rest assured my ex-father in law was much more delighted than my dog.
After going toe to toe on a fresh batch of spirits; I decided it was time to give him some independence. I returned from an eventful trip and he laboured all weekend for our first batch from grain given to me by some farmers from my sons’ hockey team.
His recipe did not disappoint… although I think we understood each other less than 50% due to a language barrier… I offered to walk him home and show him how short the distance was between us. Partially it was for some missed exercise over the weekend, partially because I don’t feel to take my vehicle out of the garage in the morning and partially to teach him something new.
After living in a foreign land, he has never been out on his own and needs some independence. This topic has come up often as of late and my ex-sister in law is not speaking to me currently as a result. Frankly I consider it a blessing. You see I noted that my extended family from overseas has raised their children be too dependent so much that they are rude and ill mannered … I have raised my sons perhaps to be too independent so much that they are reluctant to ask for what they want when they need it. I would suggest; neither approach is good and a balance is required.
We took the long way through the park which only took 5 more minutes than the major route and enjoyed some laughs. He hooked my arm into is as a loving father would do which surprised me as I have told him on several times that I never again will live with his son.
We ended up enjoying the warm walk and I never seen him smile so much and speak so well of Canada. Usually he tells the same stories of how great the Soviet Union was … the food so much better, the people so much happier but tonight was different.
Last week, I was enjoying some camaraderie with one of my favorite University Professors and he asked how things were going with my family from the war area… I told him the best way to put it was to recount the Allegory of the Caves from Plato… they love the darkness. He understood me spot on and told me to keep loving them anyways.
When we arrived on his door step I latched my dog to the railing and we went into the house. It was merely 8:40 pm early by standards in any time zone. The people they stay with have wiener dogs who are annoying AF and bark and bark and can become annoying much like my sister-in-law’s daughters… I went up to say hello to Babushka and she was pleasant for about 2 minutes until Dedushka came into the room and then she began to berate him in the most awful way for us drinking. It doesn’t bother me anymore albeit from my family I am used to the men berating he woman… I told her to cool her jets before I cooled them for her. She cited the dogs barking; I have told her countless times they will only stop if commanded. I don’t think she quite understood me. She walked me to the door and the housemates were their also .. they said geez look how nicely your dog is sitting … I said it’s called discipline. I left and returned home the same path I came, passing by the polite AF homeless guys loading their shopping cart in the park. Old or young … as hard as I try I don’t quite understand relationships … one person always thinks they have to one up the other. It’s seems like a loosing battle; less drama more comedy please.

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